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Below are two students who have recently played games within Fife. Who are they and what countries are they from?



Date of Birth:18.11.80




:-) Music:Everything except Techno

:-) Book:Albert Camus (The Fall)

:-) Colour:Royalblue

:-) Number:0

:-) Food:Alges with Ketchup

:-) Drink:Guinness

:-) Animal:Marmot, Rabid Wombat, Rabbit

What I like? Big shiny teeth

What I don’t like? An army of castrated sheep

With which person you would never stay in an elevator?
Julius Caesar (strong epilepsy)

I would like to have a Rendez-vous with...?

A talking dog

3 things a girl should have..?
Appearance like a sun - thats enough

3 things a girl shouldn’t have..?
Appearance like a bored fish

3 things you would take with you on an Island...?
Make-Up, kidney donation, horny monkey

BUT WHO AM I???????????????????



Send an E-Mail to us with your guess.

Colin or Neil

This website was created by Colin Bell and Neil McCallum. Last updated 5th August 2002.